Restaurant Management System (RMS)

About The System

Restaurant management is key to any restaurant success. It takes a significant amount of time and invest to get the formula right – the current mix of all the ingredients that make a restaurant do well – the operations, the marketing If you are in the restaurant business, you will understand the issues in dealing with them manually or with siloed restaurant software that just would not get it right for you. Think of it this way, how about one set-up that gives you the entire ecosystem? Like a holistic restaurant management system

What RMS system manages?

Restaurant operations need to be simplified. No doubt about that. As a restaurant grows, you need to ensure that a system takes care of all your operational chores. Particularly if you have outlets across the city and outside, you will need to be constantly on top of your data at all times. A restaurant management system is the complete stack of technology, restaurant software and marketing modules that you will need to manage your business. It takes over the operations and marketing of your business. We will be breaking down all the units that comprise a successful restaurant stack and drill down very deep into it to provide you a holistic picture of all that you need. We will first define the various functions such as online orders, table bookings & incoming orders management, reducing the order processing time, Inventory management, marketing campaigns management, customer acquisition.

Features of the program

    Point-of-Sale Operations :
  • POS operations largely include punching orders, printing Kitchen Order Tickets, takes care of restaurant billing and handles all your invoicing and data management requirements. Besides this, the integrations with CRM modules allows it to predict trends in data and helps gauge restaurant customer preferences effectively via analytics that helps in predictive selling Loyalty. And all the metrics that matter are also fed into the system to provide you a picture of how your business fares on a periodic basis.

  • Inventory or stock management :
  • Provides you intelligence on the inventory levels so that you can take action on poor performing items.

  • Marketing & CRM module :
  • Marketing helps you get new customers and retain existing customers. Allows you to group restaurant management programs Aelia most of the interactions using well-placed campaigns that will help you speed up your interactions with your customers. This will create a strong recall of your brand in their minds through attractive offers, discounts and daily specials that you may want to promote through your marketing campaigns. Automating your marketing and CRM will surely delight your customers with excellent messaging, offers or events. And most importantly, all this will be automated!

The Features


Real-time reporting gives you insight into a variety of metrics such as sales trends, marketing campaigns, activity reports, and team performance.


Create dashboards, analyze trends, stay on top of your key performance indicators, and know where you stand on your targets.


Make more accurate forecasts. Predict future sales and measure them against current sales.

System Customers


Restaurant and Cafe

New Kursal

Restaurant and Cafe

Eat Up

Restaurant and Cafe

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